Celebrating Community, Understanding Memory Loss, and Having Unpredictable Fun: The VMRC Golf Benefit

By Les Helmuth, VMRC Foundation Executive Director
The VMRC Golf Benefit is not just another golf fundraiser – it’s personal.

As longtime tournament player Dr. Paul Yoder, Jr. says, “The tournament is always fun and entertaining. The volunteer staff provides unusual techniques to teach us about memory loss. The tournament format is very predictable only in its unpredictability!

”The annual VMRC Golf Benefit is a cherished community gathering. Participants learn from those who work with VMRC residents and families living with memory loss. The event provides a way to have fun for an important cause.

A Mission-Focused Experience
David Frye of Frye Marketing, says he plays in the tournament to honor his mother, to invite others to learn about memory loss and to enjoy the camaraderie of friends playing golf.

Players like David also engage in experiential activities on several holes throughout the course. For example, golfers try playing with one hand behind their back, glasses that are smudged to blur their vision, or they’re suddenly interrupted while getting ready to hit the ball.

David goes on, “My mother, a social worker, introduced me to Virginia Mennonite Home before I was able to drive as she made her care visits to VMRC residents. When she herself moved to VMRC with Alzheimer’s, I attended similar care plan meetings with my brother and learned to appreciate the VMRC staff at a new level.”As we gather for this year’s event, we will honor Sam Weaver, the inaugural chair and this year’s honorary chair. Sam is the son of Lloyd Weaver, Sr., who was the inaugural honorary chair 37 years ago. Their commitment and dedication have laid the foundation for the profound impact the event has had on the lives of those affected by memory loss. Additionally, we recognize Diane Weaver and Doc Deputy, two remarkable individuals whose unwavering support and long-term service on the planning committee have shaped the event's success.

The VMRC Golf Benefit transcends traditional fundraising events by uniting a compassionate community, honoring the past, educating participants and bringing hope, meaning and growth to age well and live fully.


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