Friends in Life and Health

Their affection for each other is unmistakable. It’s the look of a close bond.  A strong connection. True friendship.

Charity Barb and Tianna Croy have known each other for many years. Not that long ago, they gained a new friend—the environment of VMRC’s Wellness Center. It embraced them as if it had known them their whole lives. “Everyone knows your name here,” said Tianna. “It’s like ‘Cheers’ when you walk through the door,” Charity added.

Tianna joined VMRC a month before Charity. Following a heart procedure, she was attending rehab at a local gym when she figured out it would be more cost-effective if she joined VMRC’s Wellness Center. Since becoming a member, she’s never looked back. She’s enjoying the improvements she’s made too much.

Charity had been wanting to join VMRC’s Wellness Center since she was 30 years old. The moment she turned 50, she became a member. And membership has its benefits. “I discovered I can do more exercise than I ever thought I could. And I never thought it'd be fun,” Tianna said.

But you must be present to win.

“When I came in for my assessment, I wanted to strengthen my core,” Charity said. “With T’s help and the rest of the gang here, I think we’re doing pretty good.

”Throughout February, The Wellness Center is offering half-off to enroll and there’s no fee for the month. You also get a free t-shirt and two guest passes when you sign up! Call us at 540.574.3850 to join or learn more about our February promotion.


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Celebrating Black History Month Through Story