Winterize Yourself Through Community and Connection

Winter brings many things we enjoy—the holidays, gift giving and receiving, and a new year to embrace life. But winter also comes with its downsides—shorter days, inclement weather, more indoor time and loneliness. To prepare, we buy warm clothing, stock up on food, winterize our vehicles and insulate our homes. But do we insulate our hearts? Do we winterize ourselves?

Statistics have shown that people report more loneliness during the winter months. A University of Michigan National Poll on Healthy Aging found that roughly 30% of adults age 50-80 reported a lack of companionship and feelings of isolation. The rate of loneliness increased as the nation dealt with a pandemic.

Before the post-holiday winter doldrums set in, you can take steps to shore up your social interactions and create the experiences you will need to reduce loneliness.


Joining a gym or taking a jaunt around your neighborhood or area park is a wonderful way to keep fit and meet new people. Be sure to bundle up when outdoors!

Make Intergenerational Connections

Did you know that younger people also experience high rates of loneliness? Connecting with people from different generations builds bridges, fosters intergenerational understanding and defeats loneliness.

Contact Friends and Loved Ones with Technology

Use your computer, tablet or smart phone to see and talk with family members or friends who live away. Need help using virtual tools? Friendly neighborhood teens or new acquaintances can often lend a hand with navigating technology.

Volunteer Your Time

One of the best ways to create joy is to give the gift of time. Spend your time volunteering for your favorite charity. You will be able to connect with others while helping your community.

Life at VMRC

VMRC offers each of these opportunities and more. You don’t even have to be retired to live here.VMRC promotes the Eight Dimensions of Wellness in its community. The social dimension focuses on connection and interaction with others. VMRC residents experience enhanced social connections through events, including intergenerational programs. VMRC provides volunteer opportunities, technology support and access to whole-person health and wellness services.

Consider making VMRC your home for connection and community. Contact our sales team for more information. Also, inquire about a FREE Week’s Pass at our Wellness Center.


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