Embrace Change: Downsizing and Decluttering with Morgan Paixao

Professional Organizer and founder of Humble Home Organizing Morgan Paixao joined VMRC’s Priority Club members to discuss her approach to helping clients prepare for a new and lighter life. The home decluttering and downsizing expert spoke to a wrapt audience about practical minimalism and learning how to let things go. Paixao gave her talk on VMRC’s campus on May 22, 2024.

Her tips for organizing home spaces include a 20-minute process for tackling the things we have that pile up over time. 

  1. Set a timer to create a sense of urgency and stay on track.

  2. Choose one area to declutter to lessen the overwhelm we all can feel when tackling a large project.

  3. Gather the supplies you’ll need to declutter the area you choose. Think trash bags, a donation box or a laundry basket. 

  4. Sort items to keep, throw away, donate or relocate.

  5. Finally, tidy up the area! Now that it’s decluttered, make your chosen space pleasant to use again with final touches. 

If you can relocate the items you’ve removed from your space on the same day, all the better. Morgan recommends getting these items out of sight and out of mind. 

Watch Morgan’s full presentation here.

Ready to make a move? Call Kirsten Payne at 540.437.4360.


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