Student Volunteers Pursue Growth & Learning at VMRC

Students that volunteer at VMRC gain so much more than simply fulfilling a class requirement in a particular field of study – they create meaningful relationships with residents as well as professional connections with our highly skilled staff. Students come to VMRC through a variety of avenues: internships, work-study placements, practicums and field placements, service-learning experiences, class partnerships, or sometimes simply from a desire to connect with the larger community outside of their school’s campus.


Emma Dove, a social work intern from Liberty University, knows about this opportunity firsthand. She says, “The difference between learning in class and here is that this is all hands-on. I’m learning a lot from the residents and a lot from the staff.” Since she began, Emma has been enveloped in VMRC’s culture of openness and shared knowledge. She has formed deep connections with the residents she serves, each sharing a unique story and reminiscing on life experiences. One connection was with Gloria, a fellow hometown native, fostering a special bond of familiarity and warmth.


Inspired by dedicated staff members like Mandy, one of VMRC’s Social Service Managers, Emma witnessed the profound impact of empathy and understanding in creating a nurturing environment for residents. She understands that social work isn't just a profession; it's a deep, human calling characterized by genuine care and compassion. Unlike many other social work placements that demand a fast-paced environment, VMRC values spending ample time with the residents and building those relationships that make her work special. This unique learning environment has significantly contributed to Emma’s professional development during her semester-long placement at VMRC.


As Emma reflects on her internship, she encourages others to embrace the unique learning environment available at VMRC. While Emma served alongside our social work team, student learning opportunities exist within nearly every department at VMRC; Therapy, Life Enrichment, Psychology, Wellness, Human Resources, Pastoral Care, Information-Technology, Hospitality, Marketing, the list goes on!


Emma's story is a testament to VMRC being a premier destination for learning for area students. Here, learning flourishes across generations. Learn and serve with us! Visit


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