Land Classes
Age Well By Staying Active
Regular physical activity is one of the most important things you can do for your health. Being physically active can improve your brain health, help you sleep better, strengthen bones and muscles, and improve your quality of life.
Land Classes
Utilizes long holds during poses and slow, fluid transitions. Yoga aims to improve flexibility and control.
Chair Yoga
A gentle form of yoga practiced sitting on a chair and using the chair as support. Yoga is an excellent way to loosen and stretch painful muscles, reduce stress and improve circulation.
Tai Chi
A Chinese non-impact martial arts exercise that can be practiced by most people. Tai Chi can provide benefits such as balance, strength and flexibility.
Balance Focused
This is a low-intensity class for those who want to improve their balance abilities. It will include using a variety of equipment to best benefit participants. The focus will be on increasing muscular endurance and coordination. By improving one’s balance, it can help with fall prevention, which will be addressed in the class.
Seniors in Motion
A seated exercise class designed to utilize all muscle groups and major joints by using assorted equipment, suitable for all fitness levels.