VMRC's Farm at Willow Run Achieves Organic Certification
Crops on the Farm at Willow Run
After years of cultivating produce naturally, VMRC's Farm at Willow Run is excited to announce its official certification as an organic farm. This certification process, which began in January and was finalized on August 8th, ensures that all seeds, fertilizers and methods used on the farm comply with National Organic Standards.
"We are thrilled to have achieved organic certification at The Farm at Willow Run," said Nate Clark, farm manager at VMRC. "This milestone demonstrates our dedication to providing high-quality, healthy food to our residents and community while also prioritizing environmental sustainability."
Of 38,995 Virginia farms, fewer than 200 are certified organic operations, according to USDA Census of Agriculture data.
So, what does it mean to become part of a distinct group of growers?
The Farm at Willow Run may now display two seals: One is the USDA Organic certification seal and the other is the Pennsylvania Certified Organic seal. Because Virginia does not have a certifying agency, the Farm at Willow Run was certified through Pennsylvania’s USDA-accredited organic certifying agency.
VMRC is committed to regenerative farming practices that promote soil health, energy conservation and fair working conditions.
"We are not just organic, but beyond organic at VMRC's farm," said Nate. "Our goal is to grow nutrient-dense foods while minimizing our carbon footprint and leaving a positive impact on the land for future generations."
Detailed records of field and harvest activities and materials used on the farm will be maintained and made available for annual inspections to uphold organic certification standards.
Want to visit our farm?
Residents and staff members at VMRC not only get to enjoy nutritious produce from the Farm at Willow Run, but they also get to attend amazing events held against the farm’s beautiful backdrop of clear skies and the Blue Ridge Mountains.
Schedule your visit today and see how you can expand your possibilities for aging well with us!